Sunday, December 28, 2014

Reflection: Luke 2:22-40

The Feast of the Holy Family – Luke 2:22-40

Today the Church celebrates the “Feast of the Holy Family.” This feast is a wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate the gift our “families” are to us. As we know, none of our families are perfect — just as we are not perfect. Families typically love one another but they also hurt and wound one another. The reality is: none of us are perfect. Thus, at times, we will fail, we will hurt one another, or we may forget a special occasion. And even though on a particular day, we may not like our brother, sister, parent or spouse, we continue to love them!

In this way we mirror the love Jesus has for us! I am certain that there are times Jesus is not pleased with me, with some of my actions, or my attitudes. Yet, Jesus continues to love me! What a gift it is to know that no matter what I may do, Jesus or my spouse, my child or my sister in community will continue to love me---no matter how I mess up! Yes, I may need to change my attitude or actions, yet the unconditional love I/we experience is a great gift!

This Feast of the Holy Family is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate and give thanks for the “holy family” we belong to. If we are lucky, we may realize that we have several “holy families” to celebrate: our birth family, our Church family, our neighbors, friends and any other “family” we belong to. Today I invite you to reflect on the “families” that love you and gift you with their love, care and challenge. Give thanks for the blessing they are to you! Also, give thanks for Jesus and “His” family!

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