Sunday, December 7, 2014

Advent Reflection: Mark 1:1-8

Second Week of Advent –Mark 1:1-8

The Gospel for this 2nd Sunday of Advent is the beginning of the Gospel of Mark. Mark begins this Gospel by quoting a prophecy from the Book of Isaiah. This prophesy speaks of the coming of a messenger, a prophet. This messenger would herald the coming of the Savior, Jesus. This messenger was John the Baptist. Today’s Gospel describes John and his ministry.

John must have been a mesmerizing preacher. People from all walks of life had heard about him and they wanted to see John for themselves. Seekers from all the areas of Judea as well as the citizens of Jerusalem gathered to listen to John preach. John was a powerful orator, a holy man. First and foremost, John truly was a “man of God.” After hearing John preach, many people came to be baptized by him.

John was a prophet whose lifestyle was extremely ascetic. He lived in the desert, wore camel hair and ate locusts and wild honey. John did not desire any acclaim for himself. His call was to proclaim the coming of the Messiah. John told his listeners that “one mightier than I” would come after him. John also said that this man would also baptize but He would baptize with the Holy Spirit.

Ask yourself: How would you react if a prophet in your town began proclaiming that “one mightier than I” will be coming? Would we automatically discount this prophecy? At times we have heard prophecies telling us that the “end of the world” was coming — and yet we are still here on this planet.

Yet, one day Christ will come again! However, Christ comes to us every day of our lives! Are we aware of His coming? Do we notice His presence as we go about our day? I know that on days I “miss” Christ’s coming. Perhaps I am too busy or my mind or heart was closed. Or I have been sleepwalking through my day, going through the motions but not truly present.

Today is a good day to consciously look for Christ! Christ is among us! However, our eyes, minds and hearts must be awake and alert if we are to see and experience His coming. Today Jesus is coming! Will we be too busy or too preoccupied to notice Him? Or will be awake and alert? I pray we have eyes to see and hearts to trust!

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