Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reflection: Matthew 18:1-5,10

Matthew 18:1-5, 10

“Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” the disciples ask Jesus. If you notice, Jesus doesn’t answer their question directly. Rather he answers in a roundabout way.

Jesus must have astounded his disciples by telling them that if they truly want to be the “greatest” then they need to become like children. What was Jesus really saying? Was he telling them to be childish or child-like? Or was he encouraging them to cultivate the qualities that most children have: being inquisitive, innocent and trusting?

One of the greatest gifts children give to us is their trust. And they give it so freely and naturally. Imagine what the world could be if everyone was as innocent, trusting and as loving as children are. How would our world be different if all of us on the planet were filled with goodness and kindness? Today may we consciously strive to “be like children!” May we nurture and emulate the wonderful qualities of love and appreciation that are so natural to them!

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