Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time - Mark 12:1-12
Today’s Gospel reading is the story of a man who planted a
vineyard and planted a hedge around it. He also dug a winepress and built a
tower. This man must have lived in an area that was not safe. Why else would he
plant a hedge around his vines and then build a tower? You only need a tower if
you need protection or you desire a view of your surroundings.
Thinking that all was safe, this man leased his fields to
tenant farmers and left on a journey. After several months, the owner sent a
servant back to his vineyard. This servant was to obtain the owner’s share of
the vineyard’s profits. However, the tenants severely beat the servant and sent
him back to the owner empty-handed. The owner decided to send a different
servant to deal with his tenants. However, the tenants treated this man in the
same manner. The owner was extremely frustrated and angry. The master sent
several other servants but they all were beaten or killed by the tenants.
At this point, the owner did not know what to do. Eventually
he decided to send his own son to deal with his tenants. His reasoning was that
the tenants surely would respect his son. However, they did not. The tenants
were thrilled that the owner had sent his son. They believed that if the son were
dead the owner’s money would be theirs. So the tenants killed the owner’s son.
In response to the loss of his beloved son, the father had all of the tenants
put to death.
Jesus then speaks of what will happen to “the Father’s Son,”
the One who is “the stone that the builders rejected.” Jesus tells his
listeners that the very same thing will happen to this Son. Jesus’ listeners
were the scribes, the chief priests, and the elders. Through this parable,
Jesus was telling them that he realized the path that was before him. He knew what
his future held. However, Jesus also tells the chief priests, scribes, and
Pharisees that His Father (the owner) will come and put the tenants to death
for what they have done to his son!
I wonder how his listeners reacted to this parable? How do
we respond to all the violence in our world? No matter where we live, we hear
of horrific acts that are perpetrated on innocent people. Humankind has not
advanced in the past centuries. We hear stories of murder and abuse on a daily
Do we contribute to the violence in our world in major or
minor ways or do we consciously strive to create peace in our lives and in the
lives of the people around us? I assume that most of us would never think of
killing another person; however, do we periodically abuse or bully another
person by our words, actions, or indifference? Today may we consciously open
our hearts to God’s peace and love and may we share this love and peace with every
person we encounter. Today and every day may we be women and men of love and
peace. What a great gift to give to our world!