Friday, January 8, 2016

Reflection: Luke 5:12-16

Friday after Epiphany – Luke 5:12-16

The Gospel reading for today is extremely short:  only four verses.  It is a powerful Gospel, however.  The main character in today’s Gospel is a man who has leprosy.  As soon as the leper sees Jesus, he falls at His feet and begs Jesus to heal him.   Jesus does not hesitate.   He immediately reaches out, touches the man, and says: “I will heal you.  Be made clean.”  Instantly, the man is healed of his leprosy.  Jesus then orders him to go to priest and make an offering in thanksgiving for his healing.
News of the miracle Jesus had work spread through the town and territory.  As word of His power to heal spread, great crowds of people came to hear Jesus preach.  Perhaps they also came hoping that Jesus would heal them of their ailments or “dis-ease.”

What is the healing you long for?  Is it the healing of an illness or another infirmity?  Do you desire to have a heavy “cross” or “burden” lifted?   Today will we come to Jesus and beg Him to heal us?  Will we have Him make us whole once again?  Bring your “dis-ease” to Jesus today.  He is waiting for you!

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