Friday, December 4, 2015

Reflection: Matthew 9:27-31

Friday of the First Week of Advent – Matthew 9:27-31

The principal characters in this Gospel are Jesus and two blind men.  As Jesus was walking along, two blind men begin to follow him.  They must have heard of the wonders and healings that Jesus had done.  The men continually cried out, begging Jesus to have pity on them.  Eventually Jesus stopped and asked them if they truly believed that He had the power to heal them?  They simply answered: “Yes, Lord.”  In response, Jesus reached out, touched their eyes and said: “May this be done according to your faith.”  Instantly their sight was restored!  They could see clearly.  

What is the healing that we wish to ask Jesus for?  Do we cry out to Him?  Do we follow Him?  Do we truly believe that Jesus has the power and the desire to heal us?  Do we trust that Jesus will answer our prayer?  Have you ever cried out to Jesus but He didn’t seem to hear you?  If/when this happens, how will you respond?  Will you turn and walk away from Jesus?  Or will you continue to cry out, trust and follow Him?

Jesus does hear us and He does respond to us.  However, it may not be a direct answer to our prayers.  At these times, we need to attend closely to what Jesus may be saying to us or what He may be doing in our lives.  Often His presence and action may be very subtle rather than an outright miracle.  Jesus may be working through other people or insights or perhaps He is gracing us with the love and strength that we need. 
Jesus does hear us and “touch” us.  We need to be alert and attentive to how Jesus may come to us---for He will come!  May we have the faith to place our confidence and hope in Him! 

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