Monday, December 1, 2008

New Beginnings

Yesterday was the first day of this new Advent season. I just LOVE Advent. It is my favorite liturgical season. Advent is not a word that you will find in many shopping ads. Not many people get excited about Advent, like I do. It is a season full of meaning and symbolism. The prayers of Advent touch each person that may be walking in some kind of darkness and yet awaiting and anticipating light. It is a time for us to hear quiet whispers in our lives of a God gently calling us from darkness into light. Advent is a reminder of how we need this light more than ever in our own lives.

Speaking of new beginnings - today is also another new beginning for me - the beginning of another year of life. Thirty-nine years ago I began my life outside my mother's womb. It was a struggle for us both in that I came out backwards with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. But, by the grace of God I am here! I am thankful for my parents who brought me into this world and raised me. Happy birthday to me!

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