Friday, December 14, 2012

Advent Calendar - December 14, 2012

Isaiah 48:17-19  Matthew 11:16-19

Reflection by Sister Teresa Gunter
Youth Minister, St. Anthony Parish, Evansville, Indiana

Being a religious and not having any children of my own, I love the reading from Isaiah. It tells me that God teaches me everything I need to know, and teaches me what is for my good. Then, if I harken to God’s commandments my descendants will be like sand. So my “kids,” my youth group, the young people of the Church, will never be cut off from God’s presence.

So like many parents, grandparents and guardians out there, it’s hard to know how to teach your children, but today’s readings tell us to simply allow God to lead us on the way that we should go. And if you do that, you will be following God’s commandments and setting the example to follow for little eyes that are watching you.

I know that I will never have any children of my own, but I do know that the more I follow God, and the closer I grow towards God, and let my youth see the lessons that God has taught me, they will hopefully follow my example and then their descendants will grow like grain and never by blotted out.

So the questions I have to ask myself: Am I listening to God’s voice and preparing the way for God so that my youth group will grow spiritually? Do I set examples that I want people to follow or am I just focused on my own issues?

May this time of Advent be a blessed time for you.

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