Monday, December 10, 2012

Advent Calendar - December 10, 2012

Isaiah 35:1-10

Reflection by Sister Michelle Mohr
Music ministry and special liturgy projects for the Sisters of St. Benedict

The ground was parched and dry with crippled stalks that once were seen as tall and green. The experience of our summer drought comes into focus as we ponder the opening words of this reading for today from the prophet Isaiah. However, Isaiah does not dwell on dryness and lack of growth but focuses on what this dry land can become by comparing it to Lebanon, Carmel and Sharon.

This hopefulness, beauty and wholeness spill over to weak hands, feeble knees and fearful hearts. We are instructed by the prophet to be strong and to be fearless for God will come and save us. It gets even better as the prophet continues with the wonders that will take place: blind eyes will be opened, deaf ears will be unstopped, lame limbs shall leap, and the speechless will sing. These words from Isaiah fill our hearts with hope that wholeness and peace will abound. However, a voice within whispers doubt and disbelief regarding the image of joy painted by the prophet. So once again we are called to remember that it is what is on the inside that matters most.Our inner self, our spiritual body longs to be nourished.

No matter how healthy or how incapacitated our physical body is, we do not experience beauty, joy and hope if our spirit is dry and in need of being fed.

May this season of Advent open our eyes to see the goodness in all of creation, especially in the faces of those we meet. May hands that are reluctant reach out in compassion and feet that are weary walk toward those in need. May we find ways to feed our spirit so that joy and gladness can take root and grow.

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