Saturday, August 6, 2016

Reflection: Luke 9:28b-36

The Transfiguration of the Lord, Feast - Luke 9:28b-36

Naturally, the Gospel for this feast is the account of Jesus’ transfiguration.  Jesus took Peter, John, and James up a mountain to pray. While Jesus was praying, His face was transfigured and His clothing became dazzling white. Then Moses and Elijah appeared and began conversing with Jesus. These men appeared in glory. They spoke of Jesus’ exodus, which would be accomplished in Jerusalem. 

Peter, James, and John fell asleep.  When they woke up, they saw Jesus in His glory and the two men who were with Jesus.  Peter said to Jesus: “Master, it is good that we are here; let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”  Luke then tells us: ‘Peter did not know what he was saying.’

While Peter was still speaking, a cloud overshadowed them. The disciples became frightened when a voice spoke from the cloud and said: “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” Then the voice faded away and once again there were alone. The disciples were silent and they did tell anyone what they had experienced.

I wonder if Peter, James and John were in shock from what they had experienced. Were they so awestruck that they could not speak? I suspect that they were unable to clearly verbalize what they had experienced. Yet they had clearly heard the words: “This is my chosen Son; listen to Him.”

What is the significance of this mysterious appearance? Peter, James, and John were asleep when this transpired but upon awakening they discovered the transfiguration of Jesus along with Moses and Elijah.  I wonder how much we miss of God's glory because we are asleep spiritually? The unexamined life can keep us from being spiritually awake. Maybe we're frantically occupied with daily anxieties of life or seeking pleasure, prestige, or wealth. Possibly prejudice is keeping us blind to something new the Lord may have for us.

Are you awake? Examine your thoughts, words, and actions! Be alert and attentive! We do not want to miss Him!

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