Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Reflection: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

11th Wednesday in Ordinary Time – Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

Today Jesus cautions his disciples to be discreet. He instructs them not to put on a religious show in front of others. If they do so, there will be no recompense for them in heaven. If they choose to do a good work, Jesus instructs them to do it quietly and discreetly. There should be no fanfare. They are not to blow trumpets to draw attention to their good works, nor are they to desire praise from others.

Jesus wants his disciples to “do what they do” for the right reason. He wants them to help others, simply because there are many people who have needs. They are not to do good acts simply to gain praise or acclaim for themselves.

Jesus then instructs his disciples not to go and pray in the temple or on a street corner where they will be seen by others. Rather they should pray in the quiet of their home. He tells them to pray in secret. This solitude will help us focus and quiet ourselves as we enter into God’s presence. Clearly Jesus does not want us to be like the Pharisees who prayed in public areas so that everyone in the vicinity would note their supposed “holiness.”

Hopefully, when we give alms, pray or fast, we do it in a prayerful manner: quietly and simply. Today may we be attentive to God throughout our day. We might silently say the name of Jesus. Or simply lift our minds and hearts to God for a moment or two. Try it for a day and notice if this makes a difference to you. Blessings!

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