Friday, June 5, 2015

Reflection: Mark 12:35-37

9th Week in Ordinary Time – Mark 12:35-37

Today Jesus once again is teaching in the temple. Jesus continues his sparring with the Pharisees. This Gospel is very brief, just 3 short verses. Jesus asks the Pharisees: “How do the scribes claim that the Christ is the son of David?” He put this question to them as a challenge. The Pharisees looked at the coming of the Messiah in mere human terms. They did not have the Old Testament understanding of the Messiah.

The Pharisees believed that the Messiah would come as a conquering hero. They also believed that the ceremonial rites such as the shedding of the blood of a bull or a ram somehow set the captives free or gave hope to the downcast and the oppressed. For many of the Pharisees, their relationship with God seemed to consist of these “rites.” True, they were doing what was required. However, did they truly know God? Or did they simply know “about” God? Or did they have a personal and loving relationship with God?

Today may be a good day for us to ask ourselves: Do I truly know God? Do I love God? Do I go to church to worship God and to celebrate my relationship with God? Or do I simply attend Eucharist because it is something I am supposed to do?

I invite you to take a few moments today to reflect on the quality of relationship you have with God, Jesus or the Spirit. Is this relationship loving, intimate and healthy? Or is it simply a habit or pattern? Do you desire a deep, loving and personal relationship with God, Jesus or the Spirit? Today may be the day to take one more step and deepen into relationship with God, Jesus or the Spirit! They are waiting for us!

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