Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Reflection: Mark 12:13-17

9th Week in Ordinary Time – Mark 12:13-17

Today the Pharisees try another tactic to trap Jesus. Some of the Herodians and Pharisees come to Jesus and try to soften him up. They tell Jesus that they know that he is a truthful man. They also know that Jesus is not concerned about what other people say about him. Nor does he judge people by their status in society.

However, after all of this praise, they finally ask Jesus their trick question. They ask him if it is lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar. Their hope is to trap Jesus with this question. However, Jesus realizes what they are doing. Recognizing them for the hypocrites they are, Jesus asks them why they are testing him.

Then Jesus asks a bystander for a denarius. When he has the coin in his hand, Jesus asks the Pharisees: “Whose image is on this coin?” Naturally they reply: “Caesar’s.” Jesus then tells them to “pay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” He does not argue with them. Nor could they argue with his answer! Mark says: “They were utterly amazed.” However, I wonder if the Pharisees were angry with Jesus “turning the tables” on them?

Do you ever try to trick God or Jesus by asking a trick question? I have a feeling that we all do this at some point or another. However, do we give to God, Jesus and the Spirit what belongs to them? Ask yourself: what do you give to God, Jesus or the Spirit? What do you believe belongs to them? Is it your money, time or the gift of yourself? Truly all that God, Jesus and the Spirit desires is us: you and me! Do we wholeheartedly give ourselves to God? Or do we do what is easier and give money or a ‘bit’ of our time? Or do we do give what is more challenging as well as satisfying and give of ourselves to God, Jesus and the people around us?

Be mindful today: give of yourselves to the people you meet and interact with. It may be a hello, a listening ear or a helpful hand. What a simple, yet loving and generous gift!

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