Sunday, April 18, 2010

School Choir

My student choir meets on Tuesdays after school to get ready for our school Mass on Thursdays. This past Thursday's Mass, according to one of the kids, was our "Scrimmage Mass," getting us ready for the Sunday Parish Mass that the kids sang at today.

Before Mass, I was making sure the kids had all their music, knew the expectations, and were well warmed up when one of the students raised his hand and asked, "Are we having donuts after Mass?" Mmmmm . . . . priorities.

I did tell them we'd have donuts. I bought 4 dozen. Those kids along with family members scarfed down every last donut and every drop of milk. I told one kid, "I was hoping for leftovers." She responded, "You thought there'd be leftover donuts??????!!!!!!!! I would have never thought that!" Oh, well. I did get one before they were all gone.

The kids sang very well. I was very proud of them, and they received lots of compliments. One mom even said she had tears in her eyes.

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