Saturday, December 31, 2016

Reflection: John 1:1-18

Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas - John 1:1-18

“In the beginning was the Word.”  These six words are the opening words in John’s Gospel. There is great power in these words, simple as they are. These simple words tell us that Christ “was” before all else came to be!

John then speaks about John the Baptist who was sent to testify to the Light.  Light is a wondrous gift – a gift we often take for granted. In the Midwest, the days of winter are short and typically there is not much sunshine.   Now ask yourself: what difference does light make in your life?  It may be the light generated by the sun or light generated by a lamp or light fixture.  Just imagine what would life be like without any light!

Light can make all the difference in the world. For many people, on sunny days it is easier to be optimistic and happy. When the weather is gray and gloomy for several days, we may struggle to be optimistic. The clouds and darkness may seem to weigh us down.  The gift is that we have Jesus the Light with us each moment of every day.  Sad to say, I suspect that we are not always tuned in to His presence.  Yet, it is true!  Jesus “the Light” is always with us!  

Today and every day may we open our eyes, minds and hearts and expect to see Jesus, the Light!  

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