Sunday, July 24, 2016

Reflection: Luke 11:1-13

Sunday of the 17th Week of Ordinary Time – Luke 11:1-13

In the Gospel for this 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the disciples ask Jesus: “Teach us how to pray.”  The disciples knew that John had taught his disciples to pray and , like John’s disciples, Jesus’ disciples had a deep desire to learn how to pray.  Jesus then said to them:  “Pray in this way: ‘Our Father, hallowed be your Name.  Come to us and establish your kingdom.  Give us each day our daily bread.  Forgive our sins and we will strive to forgive anyone who has wronged us.  And keep us from temptation.”

Most likely this prayer is one of the first prayers that we learned as children.   It also is the prayer that is typically is prayed daily by many people in our church and in our world.  The Our Father is an integral part of our faith and our worship.  However, this prayer may become so familiar to us that we may rattle it off rather than mindfully praying this prayer. 

Each day this week, I invite you to pray, not simply say, the Our Father three times: morning, midday and evening.  Pray this prayer slowly and attentively.  Then sit quietly for two or three minutes.  At the end of the week, review the past seven days.  Was your week different because you took the time to truly pray this prayer?  How are you different?  Prayer truly will change our lives and prayer also will change us if we mindfully make and take the time to pray.

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