Saturday, June 11, 2016

Reflection: Matthew 5:33-37

St. Barnabus, Memorial – Matthew 5:33-37

In this Gospel Jesus instructs us to say what we mean and mean what we say. Jesus desires that we simply be who we are. Today he tells his disciples: “Do not take a false oath.” Jesus also tells his disciples to follow through on what they have said they will do. Often this is not as easy as it sounds. We need to do this not only with the people in our lives but also we need to follow through in our relationship with Jesus.

It is not always easy to always have our yes truly come from our hearts. Can you remember a time when you told someone yes when you honestly wanted to say no? I suspect we all have done this. If you say yes to someone, do you typically follow through with what you promised to do? When we say yes to someone is it a wholehearted yes or is it more of a maybe?

Jesus desires that we be women and men of integrity, even in the small things. At times, the small things may seem insignificant. However, when we follow through on the small things, trust in our relationships grows and deepens. The reality is that most of us do not automatically trust every person we meet. It takes time to trust another person. In a sense, we have to prove that we are trustworthy.  If a individual follows through on what they say they will do, we begin to trust them.

Trust is a great gift: both to give and to receive. Trust is a gift that grows as individuals come to know each other. Ask yourself: who are the individuals in my life whom I trust? Who is the person I trust most deeply? Now ask yourself: Do I trust God? How deep is my trust in God? Take a few moments to ponder these questions.

Has life dealt you a blow that has affected your trust in God? You are not alone. Our trust in God typically is affected by painful or difficult situations in our lives. For many of us, it almost is automatic to blame God for the bad things that happen in our lives. After all, God is all-powerful. When we experience frightening or difficult situations in our lives, our trust in God may become fragile. We may find it difficult to rebuild our trust in God. Hopefully, in time, we will trust God once again.

Today I also invite you to remember and thank God for the many ways that God has sustained you, carried you, and enveloped you in God’s wondrous and never-ending love. This is a gift we receive every moment of every day. May we also give thanks for the individuals in our lives who, by their love and concern for us, also manifest God’s love and care for us. These individuals also are a great gift.

Today may we consciously give the gift of love to everyone we encounter. It may be as simple as a smile, a compliment or simply noticing them. Also take notice of the people who gift you with God’s love. What a small, yet great gift!

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