Saturday, June 6, 2015

Reflection: Mark 12:38-44

9th Week in Ordinary Time – Mark 12:38-44

Today Jesus warns his listeners to beware of the scribes. This is a very strong term. If we have to “beware,” there typically is some danger involved. Jesus describes these men as individuals who liked to wear long robes and sit in the best seats at banquets. True, they did recite lengthy prayers. However, they did not help the poor, the lost or the sinner! They primarily were concerned with their positions of honor and power. They were pleased that many people deferred to them and held them in esteem.

As we all know, power often corrupts. And being held in high esteem also may corrupt. If people look up to us, we may come to believe that we are better than we truly are. In this Gospel, Jesus is an advocate for humility. He does not use that specific word but most humble people work in a quiet manner. They do not need or want the limelight. They are content to give of themselves in an unobtrusive way and simply go about their business.

Jesus then praises the poor widow who quietly gave from her “wont.” She put two small coins into the treasury. For this widow, two coins most likely were a significant part of the amount of money she had to spend within a week’s time. Yet, this reality did not stop her from sharing the little she had. She gave freely and unselfishly. She wanted to do her part.

How generous are we, not only with our money but also with our time, talent and attention? It may be easier to give a donation rather than spend an afternoon with someone who is lonely or ill. Many of us would rather give money than to give our time. Time often is the most precious commodity we have. Yet, we are surrounded by people who are in need and who would be extremely grateful for a few minutes of our precious time and attention.

On some days, we may be the person who yearns for someone’s attention and care. Perhaps if we share our “two cents” with others, it will return to us! Who knows? The individual we spend our time with may be our gift for the day!

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