Friday, March 13, 2015

Reflection: Luke 12:28-34

Friday of the Third Week of Lent – Luke 12:28-34

Today is a very familiar Gospel. It is the story of the scribe who comes to Jesus and asks him: What is the first and most important of all the commandments? Jesus doesn’t hesitate. He responds with the first commandment: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Talk about a powerful statement. Read that commandment once again. We hear these words so frequently that we may not truly hear them!

Now take a moment and quiet yourself. You might want to take a few slow breaths or just sit quietly for a moment or two in the presence of God.
  • Then ask yourself: do I truly love God with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength? Don’t simply answer yes or no but take a moment or two so to sincerely ponder this question. 
  • Now ask yourself: what is the quality of my love for God? Is it a child’s love for God? Is God a parent to me or is God a friend and lover for me? Or is God simply a concept who has no real impact on my life? Do I want to get to know God more deeply?

God is always with us and God will always love us---no matter what we do or don’t do! God will never, ever leave us! However, do we have a personal and loving relationship with God? Or is God a distant and impersonal figure in our lives? More importantly, how do we want to relate to God?

God longs for us to love God deeply and personally. And even if or when we refuse to love God, God will continue to love us! God will love us until the end of time! We have a choice: to be in a personal love relationship with God or to keep our distance from God. What do we choose?

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