Friday, December 12, 2014

Advent Reflection: Luke 1:26-38

Our Lady of Guadalupe –Luke 1:26-38

This Gospel from Luke is one that is a very familiar to us. It is the story of Mary’s Annunciation when the angel appeared to her and revealed to her that she would conceive and bear a Son.

Every time I hear or read this Gospel, I wonder how Mary reacted to the angel’s appearance and even more so, how she reacted to the angel’s announcement that Mary would have a child? Luke says that Mary was extremely troubled at the angel’s news. What did all this mean? How was it to come about? What would she tell Joseph? This was too fantastic for him to believe! Would he believe her or reject her? Put yourself in Mary’s place: how would you react?

Yet somehow Mary was able to trust God and she consented. I believe that it was Mary’s personal relationship with God that enabled her to trust and say yes to what God was calling her to. Mary must have trusted God in all things, even this surreal and frightening situation.

And how was she to explain her situation to Joseph? Would he be angry and humiliated? Would he spurn her? Yet, she had to tell him this fantastic tale. Otherwise, he would draw his own conclusions and naturally believe that she had been with another man. Imagine the storm of emotions that this young Mary must have experienced!

At times, Jesus (and life) presents us with difficult or painful situations that stir up a storm of emotion in us. How do we respond? Do we get angry, fearful or anxious? Or do we simply distance ourselves from God? If so, do we work and pray to trust God and also to move through our fear and anger? Eventually do we come to believe and trust that God is with us and that God will guide and grace us?

We need to keep ourselves grounded in the God we know and trust! If we do this, then we truly may be able to believe that we have the grace, strength and trust that we need. This will bring us peace! God will bring us peace!

Today may we ask Mary to pray for us! She has “walked in these shoes.” She will walk with us also!

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