Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Solid Relationship Built on Prayer

The Dalai Lama is coming to Louisville in May.  I'm excited and have had tickets for over a month.  I recently read a book written by him and Howard Cutler called The Art of Happiness.

In this book, Cutler writes, "A tree with strong roots can withstand the most violent storm, but the tree can't grow roots just as the storm appears on the horizon," (p. 200).

We too want to have a strong foundation to withstand the storms in our lives.  This foundation has to be built over time by being faithful to prayer and our relationship with God.

When I was first considering religious life, I didn't think it was for me.  I thought all nuns did was pray, and I knew I wouldn't be able to pray all day.  Prayer is a vital part of our life, but we also strive to live a balanced life of prayer and work - ora et labora.  We show this ritually by giving the new person 3 things at her entrance ceremony - a Benedictine medal, prayer books, and an apron.

Some people may think that prayer comes easily for monks and nuns.  After all, it is part of our daily schedule.  Communal prayer is part of our life as well as personal prayer, but it's still easy to be distracted or find other things to do.  We too are pulled in many directions.  Prayer, no matter who or where you are, takes discipline and perseverance. If you read about some of the lives of the saints, they too encountered difficulties in prayer. 

The world is a busy place.  It's easy to be distracted, lose our focus, or get bored and quit.

How about this Lenten season, devoting more time to prayer and building a strong relationship with God.  That way when the storms come, there will be a solid foundation on which to stand.

So . . . . spend some time in prayer . . . every day . . .  rain or shine . . . tired or busy . . . no excuses. 

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to see the Dalai Lama too! I love the Benedictine tradition of being rooted! Thanks for sharing a lovely story!
