Sunday, April 19, 2015

Reflection: Luke 24:35-48

Sunday of the 3rd Week of Easter – Luke 24:35-48

At some point in our lives (figuratively speaking), all of us have been in a small boat on a large body of water. We may have been so severely tossed about by events in our lives that perhaps we did not believe that our boat would make it safely to the other shore. Take a moment and remember one of those times. During this stressful time, did Jesus “appear” to you? He may not have been walking on the water. He suddenly may have just appeared in your “boat.” Or perhaps you “heard” his quiet voice. Or Jesus may come through a good friend who happened to stop to visit with you.

When life is tumultuous, painful and stressful, we yearn to hear Jesus say to us: “Do not be afraid.” These are the times when we need Jesus the most. However, it is rare for us to literally “hear” Jesus say those words to us. Jesus will come to us and he will speak to us. However, we need to be attentive and alert. Most likely Jesus will come at a time and in a way we do not expect. If we are not alert, attentive and expecting Jesus, we may not notice when he comes to us. What a horrible loss this would be!

Today, be alert! Most likely, Jesus will come to you when you least expect him. (Jesus does like to surprise us!) Be attentive throughout the day! Jesus is “walking on the water” of your life. The question is: will you notice Jesus? And will you invite Jesus into the “boat” of your life?

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