Growing up and even more recently, death was never anything I ever wanted to think about. Sure, it'd be great to get to Heaven, but why can't we bypass the whole death thing? I want my friends and family to go to Heaven also, but having them actually die would be too depressing and painful. There has to be a better way.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord (Isaiah 55:8).
Over the years, my concept of death and my comfort level have changed. Every living thing and person has to die in order to experience new life. Knowing this, of course, doesn't make death any easier or erase the pain and suffering, but there is an awareness that through death and suffering, new life emerges.
Talking about death isn't something to avoid or be afraid of. Death happens in everyone's life all the time, whether it is a physical death of a loved one or some kind of change or transition. We are constantly dying to old ways of thinking and being. We are constantly, if we allow it, rising to new life.
As I look at the statue depicting the death of St. Joseph, I am reminded of my daily dyings, not in a morbid way, but in a healthy, growthful way. The daily dyings that give way to life.