I like the Far Side cartoon where the guy is doing a math problem on the board. The step before the final solution is, "And then a miracle happens."
I actually think of this quite often as I look at the events in my life. There are things that have happened to me or steps I have taken that can only be explained by God's grace.
For example, I have no idea how I became a music teacher other than to say, "It was by God's grace" or "A miracle happened." I had always desired to learn music, but didn't think I had any musical talent. I really could not sing before I came to the monastery. Lots of people say this, but I REALLY could not match pitch to save my life.
I had never had piano lessons either, but then by God's grace, a miracle happened. I have no idea how my fingers know where to go.
Learning to play the organ is another example of God's grace. The organ is a monster in and of itself. I believe anyone who plays the organ has to have a calling. It's like patting your head, rubbing your stomach, tapping your right foot and kicking with your left all at the same time. How can anyone do this other than to say, "It is by God's grace."
I've put in countless hours of practice over many years. I've also had lots of people put in countless hours to help me. And all along the way, God's grace was continuously present and miracles popped up all over the place.
We, the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana, are monastic women seeking God through the Benedictine tradition of community life, prayer, hospitality, and service to others. By our life and work, we commit ourselves to be a presence of peace as we join our sisters and brothers in the common search for God.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Remembering Who's in Charge
I've been trying to teach the kindergartners how to sing a new Mass setting that we've started using at school. They're normally good singers, but learning the Holy, Mystery of Faith, Amen, and Lamb of God isn't coming too easily. I asked them today, "Who's the leader in our class?" I was hoping they all would want to step up to the challenge. I was quickly brought back to reality when one of the students answered, "God." I can't argue with that! God's the leader and without God we can do nothing. I'm thankful for the reminder of letting God be in control and accepting what comes - all in God's time and not mine.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Consistency in Prayer
I took a yoga class the other day for the first time. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time, so I took advantage of the opportunity. I don't know much about yoga, but I do know what I experienced was very prayerful - a way of cleansing the body, centering one's self, and focusing on the breath. For that hour, I could clear my mind and not worry or think about anything else. Of course, I've only done one class, so I can only imagine the benefits if done on a regular basis.
This is the same with prayer. We can pray to God on occasion and feel good afterward, but for a relationship to deepen and grow, we need consistency. C. S. Lewis is quoted as saying , "I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God, it changes me." Douglas Wood has a similar quote, ""We pray because we are here - not to change the world, but to change ourselves. Because it is when we change ourselves...that the world is changed.” When we pray, our actions and behavior change. Over time, with the grace of God, we may find ourselves more patient, more compassionate, more accepting, and more understanding of others.
I have prayers that I say everyday, and I think some of them make God laugh. I try to talk and listen to God as I would a friend, saying whatever is on my mind. Every night, my last prayer is always, "Dear God, help me wake up in the morning." (I'm not a morning person. If I had been in charge, I would have moved the morning to the afternoon.) Then in the morning when my alarm goes off, I pray a similar prayer, "Dear God, help me get up . . . . after I press snooze one more time." Throughout the day, I pray, "Dear God, work through me." I'm aware that I can do nothing on my own, nor would I want to do anything on my own.
Being consistent in prayer isn't easy. It certainly takes discipline and perseverance. Having someone around to which you can offer and receive mutual encouragement is also helpful.
This is the same with prayer. We can pray to God on occasion and feel good afterward, but for a relationship to deepen and grow, we need consistency. C. S. Lewis is quoted as saying , "I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God, it changes me." Douglas Wood has a similar quote, ""We pray because we are here - not to change the world, but to change ourselves. Because it is when we change ourselves...that the world is changed.” When we pray, our actions and behavior change. Over time, with the grace of God, we may find ourselves more patient, more compassionate, more accepting, and more understanding of others.
I have prayers that I say everyday, and I think some of them make God laugh. I try to talk and listen to God as I would a friend, saying whatever is on my mind. Every night, my last prayer is always, "Dear God, help me wake up in the morning." (I'm not a morning person. If I had been in charge, I would have moved the morning to the afternoon.) Then in the morning when my alarm goes off, I pray a similar prayer, "Dear God, help me get up . . . . after I press snooze one more time." Throughout the day, I pray, "Dear God, work through me." I'm aware that I can do nothing on my own, nor would I want to do anything on my own.
Being consistent in prayer isn't easy. It certainly takes discipline and perseverance. Having someone around to which you can offer and receive mutual encouragement is also helpful.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Establishing Self Love
Below is a reflection I gave at the monastery on the Gospel reading for November 4th (Mark 12:28b-34). The reading is about loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. I hope you enjoy the reflection.
When I was in first grade, the priest came to our classroom and asked us, “How many Gods are there?” Well, I knew this answer. I had been listening to my parents and my teacher, so I raised my hand, and when the priest called on me, I confidently answered, “Millions and millions and millions and millions.” I think my teacher, Sr. Marietta, just about fell over. The priest was shocked too. After all, how could the brightest kid in the whole school and also the most humble miss such an important question about a fundamental belief of our faith?
The priest then called on my twin brother who answered, “One.” Well, I just about fell over when I heard that answer. How could there be only one God? I really had been listening, and I really had been taught well. I knew that God was everywhere. I also knew that God was inside me and God was in each person in the world. Therefore, since there are millions and millions of places and millions and millions of people, my first grade mind logically concluded that there were millions and millions and millions and millions of Gods.
In today’s Gospel, we hear that God “is One and there is no other . . . . You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second [commandment] is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Mark 12:31, NAB).
I have no doubt that we all love God, and I believe that we do our best to love our neighbor, but I don’t know if loving my neighbor as myself is always such a good idea. It’s my experience that most of us, or at least some of us, don’t love ourselves the way we should. In fact, some of our self talk can be downright brutal. At least this is true in my life.
Overtime, we can lose sight of the God who dwells within us. Instead of loving ourselves and appreciating the creation God has made, we focus on our flaws. I confess to doing this. I really need to go to a P.A. meeting. My introduction would be, “Hi. My name is Catherine, and I’m a perfectionist.” Perfectionism, as those who suffer from it know, is a terrible disease with terrible side effects. Since there are no P.A. or Perfectionist Anonymous meetings, I believe the best cure is to apply lots of acceptance and self love.
Many of us, meaning society in general, have a tendency to put ourselves down and thus do not honor and respect the God who dwells within us. We may think that God’s timing is all wrong, that we should be better at our ministry, already over a difficult situation, or further along in our education, our relationships with others, or our spiritual journey. We doubt the fact that God has us right where we are supposed to be at this time and this place. Unfortunately, society tells us that we’re not quite right unless we look a certain way, dress a certain way, and act a certain way. This teaching has terrible effects on a person’s self esteem and self love.
Just ask the 24 million Americans of every age and gender who suffer from an eating disorder. Where are 81% of 10 year olds getting the message that they are too fat? Why do 42% of 1st – 3rd graders want to be thinner? What about the 47% of 5th – 12th graders who report they want to lose weight because of magazine pictures (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders). Do we really want them to love their neighbor as themselves when they have negative self images and abuse their bodies to meet an unrealistic ideal?

Great opportunities await us as we get more involved with the Family Scholar House. This program offers opportunities for single parents to get an education, but it also offers them an opportunity for a foundation of self love. Some of the women in the program are coming from abusive relationships. Some gave themselves to the first person who would show them love and acceptance, unaware that the love would not last. As we get more involved in the program, we can show the participants through our words and actions that they are worth more than the relationship from which they are coming. They are worthy not only of an education, but they are worthy of unconditional love from God. They are worthy of love from their neighbors, and they are also worthy of self love.
We can only give what we ourselves have. We too have to have a foundation of self love; to love ourselves as God loves us. We build this foundation by accepting who we are, faults and all, and honoring and respecting the one God who dwells within us. The one God we love with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The one God who loves us more than we can dare imagine. God loves us just the way we are. Let us follow and do the same.
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