We, the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana, are monastic women seeking God through the Benedictine tradition of community life, prayer, hospitality, and service to others. By our life and work, we commit ourselves to be a presence of peace as we join our sisters and brothers in the common search for God.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Cookbook Recipe Demo - Pork & Apple Casserole

Rogation Day Observance

For the beauty of the earth, for the gifts of all creation, we give thanks.
Farmers, gardeners, stewards of God’s creation, lovers of the earth — we all gathered this evening to pray in gratitude, but especially to pray for all who work on the land, for a favorable planting, growing, and harvesting season, and for safety and protection from natural disasters. Following the centuries-old tradition of blessing the fields and praying for good harvests, we began this Rogation Day service in the monastery church and then processed to St. Ferdinand parish church for a Mass and special blessing of seeds and soil that participants brought. Bishop Charles C. Thompson, bishop of the Diocese of Evansville, presided at the services. Our monastery, St. Ferdinand Parish, and the Diocesan Office of Catholic Rural Life sponsored this annual Rogation Day event.
(Sister Paulette Seng)

Thursday, March 22, 2012
"Get Fit — 55+"

About 25 to 30 of our sisters are participating in this eight-week fitness/exercise program geared toward 55 and older. The sisters, ages 58 to 89½, attending the weekly sessions have lots of fun and are happy with the results so far. “I feel energized when it’s over.” “Feel more alive.” “It’s jump starting my daily exercise routine.” “I don’t want to get stiff.” “It’s fun to exercise with a group.” The exercise sessions are conducted by Jill Memmer, a certified health/fitness specialist from Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center in Jasper. “The sessions are lively and fun, and Jill’s energy is contagious.” As director of our Community Health Services, Sister Barbara Ann Offerman had set a goal to provide a holistic exercise program for community members, under the guidance of reputable health providers. Check off that goal as 100% successful.
(Sister Paulette Seng)