Congratulations to Maria Ramirez, Anabel Juarez, and Jaxmin Sanchez Olvera!
At a special dinner today we honored these women as recipients of the Sisters of St. Benedict Scholarship to Vincennes University Jasper Campus for this academic year.
We established this scholarship for Hispanic women four years ago in recognition of our community’s long-time commitment to mission work in Latin America, to Hispanic ministry, and to the education of women. To date, we have awarded scholarships to six students, two of whom we honored at the dinner today.
Maria Ramirez is studying full time to earn her associate degree in business management and, after graduating in May, plans to return for a degree in business administration. This is her second year of receiving the scholarship.
Anabel Juarez is studying administrative office technology and works in the university Administration Office, assisting in communication with Hispanic students and translating informational documents.
Jazmin Sanchez Olvera is pursuing an administrative business degree. She was unable to be present at the dinner.
(Sister Paulette Seng)